Thursday, January 29, 2009
There is a hole in my toilet...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Try everything once!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Everyday Heros

I have a friend that works 12 hour shifts. She is able to work from home near her family and loved ones. No commute, no co-workers, no packing of lunches or getting up before dawn to rush out the door. What a slice of heaven right? Ah no, she hates her job... reminds herself and family often of this fact. Yet her bills are paid and her family is fed and warm, the blessings truly abound. Sometimes it is so easy to miss what is right in front of us! Interesting isn't it?
I have a friend, she has been infected with HIV for over 20 years now. Her neuropathy is so terrible I am sure that if she can even feel her feet it is only because it feels like white hot pins are stabbing the feet and legs. She has been diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer for about 8 years now I believe, maybe more. Because of her disease process we can't even tell when something goes sky-woggled in her body, if the cause is really the cause. Recently she came out of a coma and is now on insulin injections 4 times daily. Do you know what my friends job is? Do you think she stays at home and bemoans her health status? She is an HIV educator, in fact she is summoned to congress when the Ryan White bill is under the microscope for funding purposes, and when congress calls you must go. She can be sick as a dog and pull herself up and do a keynote session for nurses and doctors right after being so sick none of us think she will stand up. That is her job... touching even one person is her passion... and over the years she has single-handedly saved hundreds if not thousands of people from despair. She is my hero! She might be your hero too...
I have a friend, her job is working in a specialties boutique for some women who's husbands were rich enough to give them a business. My friend is well trained in marketing and advertising, and yet she is selling high scale beads and purses to women who like to buy these novelties. Some people including her would think her situation is bad... but in these economic times she is grateful for the opportunity to work. Here is the kicker... my friend has a real job... one you might not know if you saw her on the street. It is taking care of her elderly mother. You see if my friend held a high paying position she would not have the time or the patience to deal with the dementia her mother is progressing through. She would not have the time to feed and dress her in the morning, to take her to church, to make sure her family is involved so that they have incredible memories while her mother is still lucid enough to recognize who everyone is, and even this is slowly drifting away. You see my friend doesn't understand the kind of gold her soul is being paid as it is forged on the kiln of life experience.
I have a friend who is a single mother of a troubled teen aged son. Everyday she gets up and goes to work in the health care field. Working to make a good life for herself and her son. Everyday she works to remain calm and balanced as her own soul is being forged on the kiln of the life experience of an out of control child. I think the hardest part of this entire experience is that often we look to the parent when the child is out of control. We forget each child just like each adult comes to the planet with their own individual plan to progress through. Yet she puts a mask on as she goes to work, calm, cool, and collected; while inside she feels as though she won't make it another second. This is a woman who has courage... to do the best she can each and everyday and to keep moving forward no matter what kind of curve balls her son throws her way... believe me there are a lot of curve balls here.
My point here is that often times we find ourselves in a position of wanting that very thing we do not have so that we can feel better. Not very often do we look at where we are and find acceptance and peace within it. These times in the world are testing and trying our resolve. The soul is being forged at a higher and higher heat for some. At a time when 11 million people have become jobless... hope is a commodity many people don't seem to have. Yet there is hope... in the blossom of a new flower, in the eyes of a new born, and mostly in the kindness that each of us have the opportunity to show and share with each other. The Reiki ideals give a recipe for those who wish to try it. For those willing to believe in themselves enough to know that things will indeed get better. They give us the opportunity to meditate on the words, to believe that worry and anger are not helpful, and to remind us that to be grateful is indeed the most positive thought practice in the law of attraction. They remind us of the unshakable golden rule of do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Just for today do not worry
- Just for today do not anger
- Just for today do your work honestly
- Just for today be thankful for your many blessings
- Just for today be kind to every living thing
At this time in our world it is time to let the light of our true heart shine. To love those feeling the pain and despair, and to beam widely the unconditional love of the creator of our world toward those who can not find hope within their lives. Many people are spending a lot of time teaching and coaching about the law of attraction and sometimes this is so necessary and yet, when your belly is not fed and your kids are cold and you may not know if you have a place to live... kindness and love are the balms we need the most. I feel a calling from my own soul to be much more involved in healing on the global level and in doing so I must heal myself on that global level as well.
So I seek to be kinder than I have to be. To love more than necessary. To find patience when I have none at all. To share a meal or two with those less fortunate and to believe in myself so that I know how to believe in others as well. To remember that with Reiki I have a healing balm at my fingertips and that even though I understand suffering to be a perception there are still many that are living within that perception and they need our love and kindness. Change happens within us, and then our world changes the beat of it's drum to support our inner beauty. Let us embark on the deep inner healing, to find our blind spots and shine light upon them and forgive the unforgivable within us, so that we may lack judgement and find kindness for those in our world.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Wisdom of the aged....
Monday, January 12, 2009
Everyday Miracles
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Once upon a time I was a know it all!

Pt was not helping, the meds were not helping, and sleeping just had me sleeping through my life and my young children's lives as well. I was miserable and the ice massage from that PT lady was driving me up a wall to boot. I was involved with a spiritual organization at the time and they swore by their essential oils. I scoffed, laughed, and made cracks about the way they smelled and the snake oil they were peddling to unsuspecting humans. (as if I knew a thing or two!) After all if it was not in a pill bottle it didn't work. If that stuff worked the medical community would embrace it and go with it, but alas the medical community in a large part denies the effectiveness of therapeutic grade essential oils and their efficacy for healing. And so I suffered... not too silently I might add!
I have to add here that at the time my mother had become a massage therapist a few years before this, and I had only had one or two treatments from her and they left me feeling broken and beaten the next day so I swore off all of that silly stuff! What I didn't understand is that the stress of being a single mom and going to nursing school had taken it's toll on me and my body... well that and the alcohol problem I had at the time. So during the massage the toxins moved into the blood stream and boy was I feeling them.... but I was too smart for that... massage was EVIL! I was certain.
So I was seriously in pain and didn't know how I would go back to work. One of my snake oily friends asked if she could put some oils on my back. "Sure," I said, "as long as you don't try any of that evil massage on me I already hurt enough." At this point my allopathic way of treating myself had gotten me no where. So I laid there and she dripped an oil on my back from above me. She didn't touch me she just let the oil sit there and some weird things started to happen. My vertebrae actually snapped back into place. Not just one but four different snaps crackles and pops I heard and I didn't even move. And even weider was that the pain decreased... no one had even touched me. That one oil she used that day was Valor, I placed my oil order immediately because the relief I had was so incredible that I had to find out more, plus who wants to have that much pain daily?
Since then I have used my oils for everything from strep throat to uplifting depression. What a cool memory to have on an over cast day while I attempt to get each and every tiny molecule of oil out of this bottle... lesson learned today... DON'T EVER LET MYSELF RUN OUT OF VALOR!
How to find some valor? Just click here
Monday, January 5, 2009
Reiki, Anointing, Special!
Starting off this Monday morning with the kids back in school! That can put a zing into any one's day... well at least mine! Sometimes their thoughts crowd my mind so much I can't tell if a thought is mine or theirs. So I celebrate vacation while they are home for the fun, and I celebrate when they return to school for the quiet! Ahhhhh the blessed quiet. I wanted to share this dainty orchid picture with you, well because yellow is my favorite color... I just love the high and happy vibration of a bright and clear yellow! And this was her first time blooming for me... what a wonderful thing!
Speaking of vibrations.... what we learned from the last blog entry is that healing in a large part happens through the harmonic frequencies in and around our body. The hormonal communication with our very DNA through the lingands. We also learned that sometimes when the physical body has broken down through stress, emotions, poor diet, etc that we must supply it with physical supplementation and high vibration foods as well as energy medicine and techniques that help balance the system as a whole. It can certainly make lasting and permanent healing move a long at a quick pace when we apply our logic to all systems and "energy bodies" of the human organism.
With that in mind... moving right along to the conscious process of applying healing to the physical body ourselves.
Websters dictionary defines anoint as:
1 to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance
2 a to apply oil to as a sacred rite especially for consecration b. b to choose by or as if by divine election also to designate as if by a ritual anointment
About 5-6 years after I became involved in the essential oils company that I love so much I decided to go out and buy up oils from other companies. I wanted to see if what I was using was really the highest and best for myself and my family. At one point I became fascinated with the essential oils of scripture and I even went looking in the Christian book stores in the area searching for the holy oils for anointing. What I found is that most oils were inferior. How do I know they were inferior? The scent mostly. You can tell alot from a therapeutic grade essential oil. I can take a huge deep whiff of a therapeutic grade oil and it moves over the olfactory system easily picking out all the different parts that make up the oil, just like fine wine. In many of the oils when I tried this I came out choking and sputtering with terrible headaches that sometimes lasted for 2-3 days. Needless to say I wasn't impressed, but I did keep the other oils around so that I could show people the differences.
The bookstore oils for anointing the body were a sore disappointment for me because they didn't even smell like the pure frankincense and sandalwood that I had come to love so deeply. Now that doesn't mean that those oils don't work for what they were created for. However some oils are perfume grade oil. Perfume grade oils have been altered by taking out certain components of the whole oil because they are looking for an "across the board" scent. In fact the perfume companies in Europe are responsible for much of the research done on essential oils... their research is done on components of oils but not very often has it been done on the whole complete unadulterated oil that our creator made for us. Again I digress.... Therefore a perfume grade oil most likely won't hold the important components for healing like therapeutic grade oil will.
Now for healing... as far as I am concerned I anoint myself with Reiki, Qi Gong, Essential Oils, Songs, Music... for me everything is an anointing right down to positive thoughts, prayer, and meditation. The one thing that many healers are aware of is that "tuning in" to the highest vibration of energy is a must, and has been taught to me in every method that I have trained in. Therapeutic Grade essential oils have different vibrations. Some higher than others, and they also have the incredible quality of being able to be "charged" with higher frequency thoughts and vibrations. Think about that for a second. A substance that is already tuned into our highest and best good, can be uplifted to an even higher vibratory frequency through prayer and love, and then be applied to a human body. A substance that is already programed to sing it's goodness into the cells and cause physical healing, can be affected positively by Reiki, charged with positivity... no wonder the Bible is so chock full of essential oil quotes and uses. They knew the power of "to smear!!"
To smear or not to smear... that is the question..... TO SMEAR ... yup that is the answer. EVERY SINGLE DAY!
If you want to take a look at some therapeutic grade oils please click here.
I hope you found this interesting!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Even Thoughts are Energy...
Hope you found this informational and even exciting. I just love the way the human body works when energy medicine and healing modalities are applied!